Welcome to YUZA

Product design excellence

Designing a digital product takes great skill and great processes. We combine the best of all the concepts into one package giving you the best.

Digital Product Specialist

Create, evolve and/or innovate

Whether you are trying to make your digital experience better, or just have an idea you want to start.


Innovate your digital products

We help find that sweetspot betwern your customers, technology and your people working together to create better experiences.



Years of Experience

Same, but different

An team crafted for the modern digital age where transformation is a journey not a button you press or software you buy. Integrating with your business to make best use of what your have and not recreate the wheel on every project.

Companies who embrace human centered design and Agile tend to do better. We can help you bring the best parts of each together with your team to achieve measurable results.

The right amount of everything can be the difference between a successful and economical project. Experience is knowing what works for you.

Our extensive network of experts in their field can you as little or as much as you need.

Your subject matter experts with our practioners can help you understand your goals and make them a reality.

We don't just talk about results but help you keep focussed on delivering them.

Innovation is saying 'no' to 1000 things that will distract you and carefully choosing the things that will make the difference (said Steven Jobs).

We take pride in leaving our clients better. We have been training people in what we do for 8 years with over 1000 people cross skilled in HCD.

We embrace the idea that it's better to teach a person to fish, or in this case, practice digital excellence.

How We Help

Product design

  • User experience
  • Research & testing
  • Hueristic analysis
  • Design systems and futurability
  • Platform agnostic design
  • CX, SD and UX
  • Collobarative Design


  • Agile / HCD DESIGN
  • Digital Innovation
  • MVP & start up thinking
  • Training & upskilling
  • Virtual CCO, CTO and CXO
  • Measurement & KPI strategy
  • Team design & recruitment


  • Modern design processes
  • Design thinking
  • Agile design
  • Lean design
  • KPI definition and monitoring
  • CRO & A/B Testing
  • Website Optimisation


Responsive Web

Design Systems, Modern Design

UX Design

UX, UI, Design


Loyalty, Interface, Agile


Loyalty, Interface, Agile


Research, Strategy


Upskilling, Cross-skilling


UX, UI, Front End


Agile, Design Process, Team Design

What people say

I was lucky to have Grant as my lead instructor/mentor while studying UX Design. He has the ability to create a safe and inviting learning environment that facilitated discussions and group work. I appreciated that he took the time to get to know each of us and identify our individual needs.

Grant's extensive knowledge of HCD & UX Design was so helpful when learning new concepts and how to apply that knowledge. When it came to working on our real-life client project, Grant had a great balance between offering guidance whilst also allowing us to get into a good workflow, consistently offering valuable feedback.

Ema Mestrovic
Product designer

Grant has been a supportive mentor and manager for me in the field of User Experience design. Grant is passionate about UX and up to date with the latest tools and techniques.

Grant’s practical way of teaching has made me confidently feel as though I can apply UX tools to any of my own projects.

Grant has taught me valuable UX processes that aim to meet the users need and expectations, whilst also meeting the businesses objective.

I would highly recommend Grant as a mentor in UX, because of Grant, I can apply UX methods to my projects and I also understand why each method is beneficial.

Dom Keighry
CX, Digital & Marketing

Grant was a great manager and taught me a lot about his approach to User Experience.

He provided the team with strong leadership and was very respected within the company. During his time with Trinity Mirror he introduced a lean prototyping user focused mentality to the UX process that we still use today.

He ran several focus groups and provided a lot of valuable insights for the business to act on. His ability balance user needs, drive innovation and link these to commercial objectives was very impressive.

I highly recommend Grant and would really like to work with him again.

Chris Lam
Lead Product designer

YUZA Professionals

Grant Maskell

Owner & Principal

Grant Maskell

Owner & Principal

Tim Grout

Expert Product Designer

Tim Grout

Expert Product Designer

Vlad Mehakovic

Expert Strategist

Vlad Mehakovic

Expert Strategist

Dennis Signh

CX Expert

Dennis Signh

CX Expert